Thursday, August 22, 2013

Inspiration for Homemaking Arts

At a recent country fair we attended, one of the exhibit classes involved creating a display under the theme of "Homemaker of the Year."  There were four entries, and this one, by far, was my absolute favorite (though it didn't place.)  I love the inspiration it provides in the various homemaking arts and the verse that the creator chose as part of her display.  Love it!

1 comment:

Lori in Texas said...

Hi Julie:
I love small town fairs! I love this display concept and will remember it when I work with my young girls' group. How really VERY sad that it didn't get ANY ribbon like Honorable Mention or some such -- most fairs I go to give encouragement for any effort -- especially if there are only four and one is left out! Well, look what acknowledgement she is getting now! Wish she could know!