Thursday, August 9, 2012

Scenes From A Mountain Vacation

(An old fire ranger's cabin that we discovered one afternoon.)

(The Austin Dam - a concrete dam that failed in the early 1900's, taking the lives of several dozen townspeople.)

M. and I spent a very restful vacation at our mountain cabin last week while the boys vacationed with their cousins and grandparents on the Bay in Virginia.

Some of our doings:
* several impromptu picnics involving bbq chicken and homemade ice cream
* a morning of walking through a neighboring town, visiting yard sales
* a field trip to Kinzua Bridge (more photos in a future post)
* several evenings of sitting beside the creek, doing nothing but enjoying the quiet and beauty of nature
* an on-going Rummikub Tournament
* attending a Lumberjack Festival where M. got inspired to practice axe throwing!
* a trip to old Knoebel's Amusement Park where we rode the Skylift up the mountain for the first time
* discovering several new-to-us Amish discount grocery stores
* enjoying the flock of 17 turkeys that visited us twice a day and the mama deer and her two fawns that quietly nibbled their way across the back of the cabin
* eating good and thick soft-serve ice cream at the fair
* meandering through several quiet graveyards, looking for the oldest tombstone
* lots and lots of porch sitting - sometimes with books, sometimes with nothing but a cup of tea

(A view from the inside of the beautiful Sinnemahoning Wildlife Center.)

(We walked past this home one morning during a town-wide yard sale. I loved how it was decorated and just had to take a photo.)

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