Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kneeling Before the Lord

"I will bless the LORD at all times" -- Psalm 34:1a

I looked up the word "bless" in the original language, and it means to kneel. In other words, "I will kneel before the LORD at all times." As I pondered that this morning, I realized, of course, that I can't PHYSICALLY kneel before the Lord all the time. But I can kneel before the Lord mentally at all times. How? What does it mean to kneel before Him? I think it has to do with a heart attitude - one of humility. I am to understand in humility my position before Him.

He is Creator. I am the created.

He is the Master. I am the servant.

He is God. And I am not.

I understand how this plays out in my mind and in my heart. But how does it look practically? How do I flesh out kneeling before the Lord in the moments of my day?

That's what I want to know, Lord. Show me today. Teach me today to kneel before you.

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