Thursday, September 10, 2009

Farm Auction

Several years ago the boys came up with a game patterned after the farm auction they had visited with their dad. It involved making play money, choosing an auctioneer and bidding against one another to "buy" toy tractors and plastic animals. Last night Eli and Caleb came up with a new twist for the game. They sat at the kitchen table for 2 hours making up little cards that said things like: "Sell your corn for $150." and "The coyotes sneaked onto the farm and killed a chicken." and (my personal favorite!) "Kill the bull. If you own a bull, receive $300." So they have the regular farm auction and then take turns pulling cards to see the outcome. It's still undecided as to whether the winner is the person with the most money at the end or the most farm equipment at the end. Oh, the dilemmas of boyhood . . .

1 comment:

Patti said...

Your boys have great imaginations. They always come up with such fun things to do.

On another note, I wanted to let you know that I recently made that veggie bake that you had posted a couple weeks ago. It was a HUGE fit with my family...a definite keeper recipe. Thanks so much for sharing.
