Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Truth About Pleasure

You know, we've been lied to. Big time.

The one who wants to destroy our souls whispers it in our ears and screams it in our faces. We're bombarded with it, seduced by it, saturated in it and yet numb to it all.


Pleasure. We've been told that's what life is about. Making self happy.

But it's a lie. How do I know? I've tried it. I've eaten what I want, read as much as I want, done what I want when I want, gone where I want it. And guess what's left? Happiness? Nope - emptiness. Oh, there's a happy feeling for awhile - but there's always something missing.

And I finally figured out what it is. The truth. The Truth is what God says - that we'll spend this life working by the sweat of our brow. And that life is about giving out, not taking in. This life is meant to pour out, spilling ourselves in service to Him, in service to others.

The crazy thing is that His way - giving out instead of taking in - brings lasting joy. How do I know? I've been doing a little experiment and trying it. It works. Am I tired? Yes. Does it hurt? Sometimes. Does it cost me something? Always.

But you know what? I'm happy. No, I'm joyful. And the more I spill out, the more the joy - lasting joy, true joy.

My husband was right (again). He once encouraged someone with these words: "Run hard. We have all eternity to rest."

This life is about working for the King. The next one is about resting with the King.

So go work yourself to death. I am.


Vicki said...

Ouch! Something for me to think about.

Patty said...

How empty pursuits in this life seem if not attached to God's kingdom work. I do not want to finish this life with a feeling of vanity but of a job well done. I honestly cannot say I've always done that, but as long as God gives me breath I hope it will count for Him! Have a blessed week, Julie.