Tuesday, June 26, 2012

So Grows My God

This weekend we watched Prince Caspian - again. There's so much imagery in that movie (and the other Narnia movies) that speaks to my heart. There are great snippets of Truth in there as well. One of my favorite in Caspian is the first dialogue between Lucy, the youngest of the Pevensie children, and Aslan the Lion, a representation of Christ. Upon seeing Aslan, Lucy exclaims that he's grown since the last time she saw him. I find his response telling. "Every year you grow, so shall I."

That Truth resonates in my heart. I have, indeed, discovered that every year, as I grow spiritually, my Lord grows, too. In my mind and heart God grows bigger - more amazing, more terrible, more loving, more awesome.

As my faith grows, so grows my God.