Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Blogging Sabbatical

Dear Readers,

When I once asked my husband why he doesn’t read more, his response was this: “I want to spend time living life instead of reading about others living life.” Though you may find plenty of things to argue with about that statement, you have to admit that there’s also a whole lot of wisdom in it.

After several weeks of consideration, I’ve decided to take a blogging sabbatical. Perhaps I’ll return to it in a few months or maybe not until my chicks fly away from home or maybe never, that’s up to the Lord’s prompting. Anyway, I have felt the need for the last several months to trim away excess demands on my personal time – my desire to read, craft, add to my blog, read other blogs, etc., has been replaced with an increased desire to spend time with my boys. Perhaps my desires are changing as a result of watching my oldest begin trying out his wings, realizing that my time with him grows short. And so, I want to put aside a good thing to spend time on a better thing.

I have so appreciated all of you who have encouraged me in the writing of my blog and for your many kind comments. It is a joy to share life with you all – and if we never meet this side of Heaven, I look forward to looking you up There.

For the love of Him,


super-cupcakes ;) said...

Your husband does seem very wise, if anything he must have some adventure-seeking additude. But I don't know him, so I'm sorry if I unintendedly step on your toes. To me you also have wisdom embedded within you, for I haven't seen a blog with such consideration, or yet to come anyways. I would love to meet you one day in heaven!!

Patty said...

Julie, I wanted to say I hope you will still have the desire to post a bit. I have enjoyed stopping by over the years and reading your post. Blessings to you and your family and certainly enjoy those boys. The time does fly by. Our youngest will graduate this year.

Braelyn said...

I like you blog!

Patty said...

Just a quick hello. Hope you are enjoying these days with your family.