Friday, September 2, 2011

An Indoor Picnic

I wanted to have an end-of-the-season picnic last weekend - but Hurricane Irene had different ideas. So, we had an indoor gathering instead but with lots of picnic food. An old friend and her family came over. She and I were baptized on the same day in Wantz's Pond when we teenagers. And I taught her now-teenagers when they were in my 1st and 2nd grade Sunday School class.

We enjoyed our "picnic," spent a lot of time laughing over family tales, compared notes on raising young adults, and enjoyed listening to the kids playing Apples to Apples in the living room. Despite Irene, the house was cozy and bright with fellowship and fun.

Our Picnic Menu:

* Grilled Burgers & Dogs with all the fixings
* The Garden's Last Corn-on-the-Cob
* Baked Beans
* Aunt Helen's Macaroni Salad
* Cheddar Multi-Grain Chips
* Watermelon Chunks
* Chocolate Picnic Cake with Whipped Cream and Hot Coffee

(The mums were a gift from my friend - an extra sweet treat as I love to have mums in the house this time of year. They always remind me of our autumn wedding day as we decorated the church and reception hall with them.)

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