Monday, May 16, 2011

A Crab Cake Picnic

It was so nice last week on Mother's Day that M. declared we should have a picnic. So we did.

The menu (compliments of Marty) included:

* Grilled Crab Cakes
* Grilled Asparagus
* Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
* Sock-It-To-Me Cake (Ben handled this one with a bit of supervision from me.)

Crab Cakes (He usually doubles the recipe - at least!)

2 slices of white bread with the crusts removed
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tabl. parsley
1 tsp. Old Bay seasoning (more if desired)
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg, beaten
2 tabl. mustard
1 lb. crab meat, shredded into very small pieces

Break bread into small pieces and moisten with a bit of milk. Add remaining ingredients (and more Old Bay, if desired). Shape into cakes and fry on a pan over the stove or on the grill until golden brown and heated throughout.

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