The seedlings in the greenhouse are doing well. I planted Rutger's Tomatoes, All-Summer Cutting Zinnias and Fruit Smoothie Zinnias at the end of March - as well as small pots of oregano, basil and parsley. (Next year I want to start everything even earlier as I'd like them to be further along. I did get a late start because I failed to leave the plastic cover off the flat after the plants sprouted. This resulted in a double greenhouse-effect as it got really warm one day and literally fried the seedlings! The greenhouse gets really warm. I then had to re-plant everything. Live and learn!) Anyway, the seedlings stay out in the greenhouse in a flat all day and then get brought it at night. They could probably stay out overnight now that the weather's warmed up a tiny bit. At night I bring them into the schoolroom and sit them under our fluroscent light. Hopefully, they'll continue to do well.
Everything is behind this year - usually we have onions and potatoes in the ground the third week or so of March. Due to the continually cold and rainy weather, we haven't even bought our stuff yet. The garden has just been too wet to get into. Hopefully the weather will soon take a turn - I don't know how much more winter-type weather I can stand!!!
1 comment:
It's slow to "spring" at my house as well. Your little garden tray looks lovely and inviting. The warmth of spring will arrive -- sometime. :D Enjoy a great day!
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