Monday, April 4, 2011

Revival Memories

Revival services are over for another year – a good week of blessed services.

Remembering and being thankful for:

* Pastor H.’s bright blue ties, hearty hugs, his nightly updates of his daily happenings, messages that inspired and encouraged, and his obvious love for people and passion for their salvation
* Miss D.’s children’s talk with the ringing alarm clock to remind us of Jesus’ “surprise” return
* the smell of hot fudge wafting up the church steps from the kitchen prior to Saturday night’s Ice Cream Social
* a beautiful duet of two violins playing “The Old Rugged Cross”
* the elementary choir singing Patch the Pirate’s song “Jonah”
* Miss L. teaching me how to make a hankie mouse like her husband used in a children’s talk
* a pile of tenor and bass voices singing hearty hymns
* a cold drink of iced water reminding us of the Living Water
* driving one night to service in an “onion snow”
* nails welded into tiny crosses for the children to remember His sacrifice
* Big C.’s poem recitation about the postures of prayer
* Pastor H. putting his arm around 90-year-old J. and singing quietly with him in the pew after services
* “half” the church getting up when the Senior Choir went up to sing!
* K.’s joyful, tear-filled comments about the recent salvation decision of his cousin
* Four-year-old L. who fell asleep on his knees during prayer
* Two young ladies playing the piano duet of “Only A Boy Named David” which the boys and I sang around the house when they were little
* fellowship with brothers and sisters after every service with varied conversations on goats, flower arranging, wedding plans, new babies and the importance of music in worship
* the sound of the congregation singing acapella – music ringing off the walls
* forming a big circle last night all around the sanctuary, holding hands, looking around and being so thankful for these people of precious like faith

Thank You, Lord, for sweet memories.

1 comment:

  1. As a PK, your post brought back many memories! YOu are blessed to attend a church that still believes in revival the old-fashioned way! Blessings to you and your home this week.
