Thursday, June 10, 2010

Herb Garden Update

This morning I decided to call the elderly man that I bought the herb magazines from last week. After I explained who I was, he interrupted and said that I was an answer to his prayers. He had JUST gone outside to get his newspaper, looked at the gardens and asked the Lord who was going to help him figure out what to keep and what to get rid of! Eli and I drove over - still not knowing what he expected of us but eager to see what the Lord was up to. He simply wanted me to show him what was good and what wasn't as he didn't know which plants were herbs and which were simply weeds. We wandered around his yard and examined things - most of what he has is simply a variety of ground covers and lots and LOTS of tea! He does have several herbs here and there - most of which I have though I did bring home a money plant. For my time and help he also gave me an old cultivator - he figured it would look more appropriate at my farm than in his yard. I'm tickled to have it for a decoration in my flower beds. He also took E. and I all through his home - showing us item after item of things his wife had crafted. She sewed, stenciled, woodworked, crafted, did calligraphy, crocheted, painted, wallpapered and on and on. She was amazingly talented, and he was very proud of her. I'm so glad that we went over - it was a great blessing to him and as we left he was already eagerly digging into the yard work. We're going back next week to collect a dress form for my mom and some lavendar for me. A new friend is a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should join us on the 11th. T