Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Little Free Libary

Several weeks ago, M. and I took a Sunday afternoon walk in a small town across the river.  We strolled along the waterfront street, admiring the architecture of many of the old homes and buildings.  Walking past a brick home, we suddenly came upon the above scene, and I screeched to a halt to investigate!  There were signs explaining that this was The Little Free Library and that we were encouraged to take a book with us.  An invitation to leave a book was presented as well.  After we had our fill of browsing shelves and set off down the street again, I suddenly remembered seeing an article about this very "library" in a local newspaper. 

You can learn more about the inspiring "take a book, return a book" concept that many neighborhoods around the world are participating in here. And with a mission to promote literacy and the love of reading, as well as building a sense of community, what not's to love about the idea?


Vicki said...

What a neat idea!

Lori in Texas said...

Ha! "Screeched to a halt..."-- is that ever me! Did you get something good? I read an article in a magazine about this... I just wondered about the humidity and all but that's just how I'm wired to think in Texas...
We actually had a "cold front" this weekend and woke up to a nippy 67* ....hallelujah....
This is when I get envious of your beautiful September mornings.
Be sure to tell me all about them.
A Happy Autumn Season to you, Julie!

Julie said...

Good to hear from you, Vicki!

No, I didn't find anything at the free library. Amazing, isn't it? As for the weather, it's been utterly gorgeous ALL summer. It has been the coolest summer that I ever remember - low humidity, warm (but not scorching afternoons), cooling back down in the evening. But autumn is coming - you can see it in the drying crops and just-barely-starting-to-change leaves. And I wore a turtleneck for the first time this season - on the boardwalk last night . . .

P.S. Look at the comments from my 9/5 post on home decorating inspiration. There's a question I have for you abaout Gladys' books -