Friday, October 18, 2013

Sedum in a Teacup

In November our herb club is taking part in a bazaar, so we've been brainstorming some ideas of things to sell.  Someone suggested making up teacups with a bit of boxwood in them.  Though I don't have boxwood, I figured that some of my beautiful, rust-colored sedum might look nice in them.  They are simple to put together and could be filled with many fresh or dried flowers.  Save your small applesauce containers and kids' yogurt cups.  Fill the cups with a bit of water and some floral foam, then poke your flowers right into the foam.  Pop the whole thing into the tea cup.  Quick and beautiful.  The next assignment is to gather some more willow branches down by the pond.  My sister uses them to add height and interest to her flower arrangements.  I figure that others might like to do the same and plan to gather them into "bouquets" tied with ribbon to sell at the bazaar as well. 


Brianna said...

They're so cute! You are so creative!

Braelyn said...

That's really pretty!