3588.) for all that I got packed up and accomplished at Mom's this week
3589.) for the beautiful gift basket and card she gave me for taking care of her
3590.) for the softened, homey look that my new houseplants give the living room windowsill
3591.) that after a week, the teacup arrangement M. gave me last Friday for Secretary's Day still looks lovely
3592.) for M.'s excitement over the sweet corn coming up as we walked through the garden last evening
3593.) for the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak that came to the feeder several times yesterday - the first time I've ever seen one - lovely, Lord!
3594.) for the ingenious robin's nest, fashioned in the soil of my windowbox amidst the pansies - a perfect circle with touches of straw added
3595.) for the joy of a quiet afternoon hour when I baked pumpkin bread and finished Grace Livingston Hill's delightful Marcia Schuyler
3596.) that through Abraham, I would be blessed (Acts 3:25) - I am blessed
3597.) that I can trust You because You are good (Psalm 52:9)
3598.) that a happy heart is like good medicine (Proverbs 17:22)
3599.) that You make provision even in our fear (Judges 7:9-11)
3600.) that You provide encouragement when we need it (Judges 7:13-18)
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