One nice thing about cleaning out a house is all the memories that one unearths while doing it. Yesterday afternoon found me sitting in one of Mom's closets reading a letter that my Great-Great-Aunt Lizzie wrote to my grandmother on the occasion of the birth of her second daughter (my aunt, who came so quickly that my grandfather had to deliver her). I also found my mom's wedding album tucked away in the bottom of a cabinet. My parents have been divorced for more than 35 years, but I was glad to see that Mom had still kept it. How young and sweet my mother looked in those photos. And speaking of photos, a few days ago when my sister was helping with the work, she found a rubber-banded set of pictures from 25 years ago when my family saw me off for a trip to Europe with a school group. We howled over our hair styles and clothing.

What a joy memories are. And yesterday, I brought a few of them home. Down-sizing her collection of cookbooks, Mom placed her 1950 First Edition of Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book on the "to go" pile. I snatched it up and inquired as to how long she'd had it. She told me that it was a wedding present that she had received 45 years ago. And, of course, I requested that it come home with me. It's in lovely shape, and it will be so much fun to page through all the quirky, little vintage illustrations.

Also, on my "take-home" pile was placed the Christmas stocking which my sister and I each had as children. What happiness to remember all those years of waking up to find it hung to the bannister, overflowing with gifts. Now it will reside in my own Christmas box, waiting to be hung in a place of honor when the next Advent comes along.
Thanks for the memories, Mom.
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