About this time each year my sister and brother-in-law announce a Game Night. The event usually falls on a cold, autumn night which is perfect as the six of us play round the table by the fire. The kids head to the attic with snacks and games of their own. That night E. introduced his littlest cousin to a rousing game of Tickle Battle, complete with four-year-old screams of delight.
We usually warm up and team up as couples to play
Compatibility. (And based on the results of the game, I usually seem to be more compatible with my sister than my husband!) Amidst snack breaks for more banana bars and peanut butter balls, interruptions from a chocolate-faced preschooler in Batman jammies, and laughter over childhood memories, we also managed to get in a round or two of the fast and furious
Catch Phrase.

Besides the warmth of the fire and fellowship, my spirit is always warmed by time spent in my sister's home. There are touches of casual elegance wherever you look - the vintage silver ice bucket for our drinks, fresh arrangements of flowers and leaves from the garden or the market, orange Gatorade served in shimmery silvery goblets, Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin hand soap in the powder room. Continual beauty that continually ministers to my beauty-loving spirit.
Past my bedtime, we drove home underneath the stars - I spent a portion of the ride thanking God for the gift of family and friends, beauty and fun. I also spent some time reflecting on the comment Vince made not long before the party broke up - that he loves to hear the noise and laughter of a full house. I'm inclined to agree with him . . .
1 comment:
Sounds like a lot of fun. My husband, daughter and I enjoy playing games in the evening. Clue is currently the favorite.
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