Friday, September 9, 2011

Drying Out From Tropical Storm Lee

In two weeks' time, we've experienced an earthquake, a hurricane and now a flood.

Tropical Storm Lee poured down this week with more devastation and damage to this area than I've seen in my lifetime. The little creek running through our farm became a raging river with logs flowing down it. Our now-treacherous farm lane could be dubbed "Toad's Wild Ride." And the bridge you must cross to get to the farm was one big barricade that kept me from getting home for several hours on Wednesday.

The power of water is truly an amazing and terrifying thing. And my awe of the power of the God who made that water certainly has increased in the last few days.


Anonymous said...

Julie, we went to OC,MD for three days. We returned last night. Our basment was empty of water, but evidence on the cement blocks showed that we had about four inches. (Do ya think God may be trying to tell us somethng?) Nothing was damaged! Ruth

Amy said...

My grandmother had heart surgery outside Lebanon on Wednesday and nearly got stranded in the hospital this week b/c the Hershey area is so flooded she didn't think she could get home! I'm not in PA anymore, but the reports are the worst I've ever seen. I'm so glad you're all safe!