Monday, August 15, 2011

County Fairs & Lumberjacks

I love county fairs - the domestic arts exhibits being my favorite. They provide so much creative inspiration that when I go home from the fair I want to start canning, baking and crafting immediately! We enjoyed two fairs this weekend - the Tioga County Fair on Friday night and the Clinton County on Saturday.

One of my favorite parts at Tioga was the oxen demonstration a man gave using his team of oxen named Brookes & Dunn. He explained the fascinating history of oxen, some interesting facts about them and how they are trained.

We spent most of Saturday watching a Lumberjack (and Lumberjill!) Competition at Clinton. The events including log rolling, crosscut, springboard and axe throwing. If you ever get the opportunity to attend a Woodsmen's Competition in Pennsylvania or New York, take advantage of it - it's fascinating.

And the fair food was great, too!

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