Friday, April 15, 2011

Marshmallow Peeps Show!

Sunday after church we drove down to visit M.'s parents at the conference center where they live and volunteer. After a lovely dinner at The Butterfield Inn, my mother-in-law told us about a fundraiser that the Carroll County Arts Council was having - a Marshmallow Peeps Show! Various individuals and groups put together displays using Marshmallow Peeps, and you could buy vote tokens and place them in your favorite display's container. Some of the exhibits were SO clever as you'll see below. We had a good time chuckling over people's zany ideas. Besides the exhibits to see, you could purchase Peeps-themed snacks - Peeps Ka-Bobs (several Peeps on a skewer alternating with large gum drops), Chocolate-Covered Peeps, and Peep Punch (juice with a Peep floating in it). Nothing sounded too enticing to me, but I did appreciate the Arts Council's creativity!

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