Thursday, September 30, 2010

This Fine Talent

"Louisa May Alcott once wrote that "there is one very excellent, necessary, . . . accomplishment that no (one) should be without, for it is a help to rich and poor, and the comfort of families depends upon it. This fine talent (home keeping) is neglected nowadays and considered old-fashioned, which is a sad mistake. . . It is the most beautiful as well as useful of all arts . . . Not so romantic, perhaps, as singing, painting, writing, or teaching, but one that makes many people happy and comfortable, and home the sweetest place in the world."

-- Tracey McBride, Frugal Luxuries - Simple Pleasures to Enhance Your Life and Comfort Your Soul

1 comment:

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

Thank you so much for highlighting one of my very favorite quotes. I truly appreciate it. I can tell from your own writing that we are kindred spirits! I especially enjoyed reading your life philosophy. The subtitle of your blog says it do give "evidence of a rich life". Lovely!
Thanks again.