Monday, August 10, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY - August 10, 2009

Outside my window . . . a breeze blowing through the pine trees (though it's a hot breeze!) and our huge corn field waving in the wind.

I am thinking . . . that it's good to be back again into a normal routine after vacation.

I am thankful . . . my new, deep bathtub M. installed this weekend, for health and energy, that the boys are home safely from their trip, and for honeylopes (a delicious cross between a cantalope and a honey dew) fresh from the garden!

From the learning rooms . . . types of mountains, poetry writing, magic rock making and the newest "Hank the Cow Dog" book.

From the kitchen . . . For treats: zucchini bread and peanut butter pie. For supper: tacos and melon, I think.

I am praying . . . that I would remember how very much the Lord loves me and that I would live life with that thought foremost in my mind.

I am creating . . . an inspiration list inside a small chocolate-colored tablet to write down fun ideas that I don't want to forget. This week I added the following to the tablet: make sugar cakes (saw some advertised on a sign and it made me hungry for them), order "Tribulation Force" from the library (Eli's asking about end time events), and make jam (my neighbor gave us some and it inspired me to make more of my own).

I am wearing . . . navy shorts & my light green Old Navy top.

I am going . . . nowhere today.

I am reading . . . "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life," "Vision for God - The Story of Dr. Margaret Brand," and I'm re-reading "At Home in Mitford."

I am hearing . . . water drip from the air conditioner (so humid here!!), the dryer going and Eli asking me how to spell something to add to his cartoon drawing.

Around the house . . . schoolwork, finishing the laundry, cutting up melons to freeze, and doing a magic rocks science kit with Eli.

One of my favorite things . . . the counters filled with the bounty of produce & eggs from our farm.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . a library run, more garden harvesting, working out a new school schedule, crafts with E. and anyone else who wants to join us, tea each afternoon while I listen to "Revive Our Hearts" on the radio and baths in my new tub!

Here is a picture thought. It's a beautiful birthday basket a friend gave me last week filled with pure maple syrup, cranberry bread mix, candy sticks, flowers, a gift certificate to a local bakery/tea room and a sweet card. What a wonderful treat . . . from a wonderful friend! (Thanks again, C.!)

The Simple Woman's Daybook is an original creation of Peggy's. If you'd like to participate and/or view other's Daybooks, click here.

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