Friday, August 14, 2009

Blackberry Cobbler for Breakfast

Wow - what a breakfast this makes. (And a mid-morning snack. And probably an afternoon snack. You get the picture.)

As you may notice from the photo, I adapted the recipe as follows:

Blackberry Cobbler

4 C. fresh blackberries
3/4 C. water
3/4 C. sugar
1 tabl. cornstarch
2 tabl. cold water
1/2 C. milk plus 4 tabl. melted butter
2 C. Bisquick

Heat oven to 400. Heat fruit and water; stir in sugar. Dissolve cornstarch in 2 tabl. cold water and blend into fruit. Boil fruit mixture 1 minute. Pour into 2 qt. baking dish. Dot with butter; sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix milk, butter and Bisquick thoroughly. Drop by spoonfuls onto hot fruit mixture. Bake for 20 minutes. Let sit a few minutes to cool a bit.


Anonymous said...

I sampled this and it is a tasty cobbler.

Anonymous said...

People eat donuts and coffee cake for breakfast. Why not cobbler! LOL I do not want to make it sound like we do this daily, but once in a while, we will have a piece of fruit pie and a fruit salad for breakfast. This morning we had blueberry pie and fresh fruit for breakfast! LOL BTW, thanks for all your recipes! They are always winners!
Ruth, PA

Patti said...

I was thinking the same thing as Ruth. Muffins and donuts are acceptable breakfast food, so why not a fruit cobbler. One of my kids' favorite things to eat for breakfast is pumpkin pie. I think it's actually a pretty healthy breakfast, especially with a glass of milk for protein and calcium.

By the way, as you know, I disengaged from ALL blogs about 4 months ago, and I deleted my own blog as well. The world of blogs was consuming me and had become addicting. I have recently allowed myself to enter blogville again, but I'm only visiting 3 blogs (my daughter's, yours, and one other) and I'm not blogging myself anymore. It's all too easy to allow the computer (blogging) to control us, and before you know it, we're spending several hours a day popping from one blog to another...and the things we need to do around our homes just don't get done (or maybe I'm the only one with this problem!!)

Anyhow, I'll be popping by every now and then, Julie. Since I love your newsletter so much (for over 6 years now I've been receiving it!!), I just have to visit your blog too.


Julie said...

G - Glad you liked the sample!

Ruth - You're welcome for the recipes! Happy to give you some new ideas . . . (Love the pie and salad for breakfast!!)

Patti - Whenever you can pop in, I'm always glad to hear from you!