Monday, July 27, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY - July 27, 2009

Outside my window . . . the sun is rising, my purple coneflowers are in bloom, and the flower beds are glistening with the rain from last night.

I am thinking . . . that I have much to do this week but desire to do it all deliberately and well instead of hurriedly and without joy.

I am thankful . . . for all the rain this past week on the garden, for the big sunflower M. "picked" for me from the garden and transplanted beside the porch, for a God who is quick to forgive again and again and again.

From the learning rooms . . . readin', writin' and arithmetic plus some neat library books I want to share with E.

From the kitchen . . . we'll finish up the shoo-fly pie that I made from Friday. I'm not sure what supper will be yet.

I am praying . . . that I would walk with the Great "I AM" in the present, not stressing over the past or worrying over the future.

I am wearing . . . my pink nightgown and purple robe.

I am going . . . to pick up some chicken breasts for the boys' to make chicken spaghetti and some chicken FEED for the chickens!

I am reading . . . "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life," "Vision for God - The Story of Dr. Margaret Brand," and I'm re-reading "At Home in Mitford."

I am hearing . . . the boys finishing up breakfast, the washer running, and birdsong outside.

Around the house . . . schoolwork, finishing the laundry for the boys to pack in their suitcases for a trip with their cousins, a few errands, and getting an idea of how to flesh out the rest of my week.

One of my favorite things . . . iced lemon pound cake from Starbucks (a treat from my sister on Saturday - I finished it with a cup of tea on the porch this morning).

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . a library run to return books and pick up summer reading program prizes, to Target to buy sneakers for Eli and jeans for Caleb, to the orthodontist to pick up extra rubberbands for E., cleaning the house and packing.

Here is a picture thought:

The Simple Woman's Daybook is an original creation of Peggy's. As Peggy is taking the summer off from hosting the Daybook, Grandmother Wren is filling in for her. If you'd like to participate and/or view other's Daybooks, click here.


Elena @ Precious Treasures said...

Flowers always brighten things up - it's nice to be surrounded by them.

Have a lovely week.

ciao for now,
Elena :)

Tara said...

I never have luck with flowers from seeds. But I havn't quit yet.
Have a great week. Beautiful flowers.

Grandmother Wren said...

Oh! Zinnias!
I haven't seen any yet this year - I used to grow them at our old house.
Thank you for the summery memory.

Auntie Q said...

Oh, shoo-fly pie, yum! Amen to doing things well without hurry but WITH joy! :)

The Man Crew said...

I'm working on not hurrying so mcu and losing hte joy in the hjourney as well! don't want to teach my boys that life is a list of repetetive tasks to be done over and over. Thanks for reminding me to dstay on top of that one. Your flowers aer lovely..enjoy them! Hope you have a great week! And thanks for sharing with us.