Monday, June 15, 2009


Saturday evening was our annual Youth Group Cook-Out here at the farm. We've been doing it for a number of years, and it's become something that our family looks forward to doing. Though it involves a good bit of work, it's a great motivation to get some good cleaning and tidying up done!

We had 40+ people here - mostly teens, of course, but several whole families as well. We had grilled burgers and dogs along with other picnic foods and ice cream with toppings later in the evening. The kids kept busy - the goat pen was a popular place to visit, the paddleboat on the pond a hit, and a big pile of men and boys played volleyball on the sandcourt. The evening ended with several rounds of tug-of-war - the last with all the kids on one side and the adults on the other (which the adults did manage to win)!

One of my favorite memories of the evening is when a little two-year-old boy asked in his sweet baby voice if he could have some chocolate "ketchup" (syrup) on his ice cream. : ) Another sweet benefit - a beautiful strawberry pie and a half-gallon of homemade banana ice cream for hostess gifts!

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