Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Notes on Meekness

These are a few of my notes from another part in the series on meekness that Nancy Leigh DeMoss is airing this week on the radio program "Revive Our Hearts."


* bridles/controls our anger
* curbs our tongue
* helps us think before we speak
* slows us down
* reminds us that we, too, are sinners

In relation to meekness involving our relationships, remember:

* Examine who and what we're really angry about. Focus on the "who" by remembering that this is our dear husband, precious child, etc. Think about what they really did - is it worth losing my peace over? Is there any great harm in stuffing it instead of becoming angry? Use discernment in our meekness in knowing when to stuff and when to confront. Even in rebuking, meekness must reign. Ask: If God were as angry with me as I am with others, what would become of me?
* Those that provoke us are an instrument in God's hand to sanctify us. Don't let others disturb my peace. Don't be controlled by other's behavior. Any provocation can be used for our good if we allow it. He uses those who offend, annoy, hurt and bug us to mold us in holiness and purify us.
* My children are God's heavenly sandpaper! Allow God to use them for my good and for my training as well as their's.
* Meekness is first a matter of the heart - it then comes out through my words and actions.
* In each situation, ask: Is there meekness in my spirit?

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