Monday, May 18, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY - May 18, 2009

I am thinking . . . . what a good weekend it was - filled with family and fun.

I am thankful for . . . the loveliness of my periennial flower bed - at its' height in beauty.

From the learning rooms . . . Eli has been dissecting an owl pellet and studying the sparrow hawk and her nest in the barn, Caleb is working on a small wooden pole barn, and Ben has been researching ace pilots in WWII.

From the kitchen . . . a delicious chocolate layer cake with white frosting that I made Saturday night and we're still enjoying.

I am praying . . . that God would continue to deal with my judgmental spirit.

I am wearing . . . my pink nightgown and purple robe!

I am creating . . . next month's newsletter.

I am going . . . to pick up a steam cleaner to do the living room furniture, have some photos developed, and pick up a driver's manual for my oldest son (that one's freaking me out a little!!)

I am reading . . . "Creative Teaching" from the 1930's.

I am hearing . . . geese honking as they land on the pond and birds singing.

Around the house . . . laundry, steam cleaning the furniture, and tidying up.

One of my favorite things . . . a fresh, new day.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . . a visit to the farmers' market with my mom, more free bowling (see, and a trip to the cabin for the extended Memorial Day weekend.

Here is a picture thought from my nephew's 16th birthday party on Friday night - all the cousins got together for a night at the speedway:

If you want to participate in The Simple Woman's Daybook, visit Peggy here.


Bonita said...

That's quite a courageous prayer you're praying and I deeply admire you for it.

Where did you get that Creative Teaching book? It sounds like something right up my alley.

Hope you have a splendid week!

Aisling said...

my eldest is old enough to drive, but we cannot afford to insure him on our car, so he isn't learning yet. And anyway, I've seen the way eh drives on those computer games, SCARY!

One More Equals Four said...

I dread the day I have to start thinking about my children driving. My oldest is 12 so it is just around the corner, ugh!

I love what you are praying about...I have been doing the same thing, I told a friend the other day that I would have made a GREAT Pharisee!

Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

it is really nice to meet you throught the Simple Woman's Daybook. I hope to visit again soon. I'll be sending an email so that I can check out your fee newsletter. I am intersted on your thoughts about homeschooling... escpecially 'teenage boys'... I have a 14 year old who will continue at home for highschool :O)

God bless you.

Liz Tolsma said...

I know what you mean about it being scary to have a teenage driver in your house. My son is 14 but is counting down the days until he turns 16 and can get his license. Then he has this crazy idea that he'll get a Mustang for his first car. LOL! Thanks for sharing. Have a super week!

Anonymous said...

Owl pellets . . . I've read quite a bit about others doing those activities. It seems interesting and like something my oldest would enjoy but she wouldn't touch it b/c she doesn't like to get dirty. LOL!

Judging . . . ah, an issue He's dealing with me on too.

That speedway looks like a lot of fun!

(Visiting by way of the main listing of the Simple Woman's Daybook.)

quilt'n-mama said...

I enjoyed stopping by! I love periannual flower gardens. SOunds like your boys are having fun in school!

Julie said...

Bonita -
The "Creative Teaching" book which was published in the '30s was a treasure I found at a recent library book sale for $1. It's written for the classroom teacher, but it's been fun reading through it and getting more of a feel for that time-period.

Thanks, ladies, for all your welcome comments - I've never had so many before! (It was also nice to know that my judgmental spirit doesn't seem to be a rarity - I guess we're all in the same boat to one degree or another!)

The Man Crew said...

Well, it would seem a few days late on this one, but it's the link that was posted on today's post(June 1st), so here I am...LOL! Judgemental attitudes abound in me, so maybe that's why He sent me to your page today. I, too, am dealing with them as the Lord brings them to my attention. Being nervous about your son is driving is normal, our oldest is 20 and I survived teaching him, so do not fear! Now I only have to live through teaching the 11, 10 and 3 year old when it's their turns...OH MY! Anywho, have a great week, hope you flowers are still blooming and I love th name Skunk Hollow, sounds FUN!

Choate Family said...

My grandparents live just off of Skunk Hollow Road. Wonder if they are close by? Thanks for sharing your daybook!