Monday, January 26, 2009

A Snippet From I Corinthians 13

(Photo by Eli)

Some thought-provoking questions from yesterday's sermon on the aspect of kindness from I Corinthians 13:

How do I respond if I am sinned against?

Is my goal to serve or be served?

Do I have a confident expectation that God will use my kindness to spiritually grow others?

If God Himself is kind to the unthankful and evil (Luke 6:35), how much more should I be kind to my redeemed brothers and sisters?

Do I realize that kindness is one way to mainfest (make known) Christ to others?

How can I cultivate a heart of kindness?

What specifically does faith in Christ look like in this situation (specifically how I do apply kindness here)? What truths should I be trusting in? What lies am I believing?

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