(Photo by Eli)
"Paul says (in II Corin. 5:14-6:2) that God has called us all to function as his ambassadors. Our lives do not belong to us for our own fulfillment. The primary issue is, "How can I best represent the King in this place, with this particular person?" This is not a part-time calling; it is a lifestyle. When an ambassador assumes his responsibilities, his life ceases to be his own. Everything he says and does has import because of the king he represents. Anything less is an affront to the king and a denial of the ambassadorial calling.
What is God calling you to in your marriage? To be an ambassador. What is God calling you to as a parent? To be an ambassador. What is God calling you to regarding your friends and neighbors? To be an ambassador. What is God calling you to at work and in leisure? To be an ambassador. We represent God's purposes to the people He places in our lives. This is much broader than a commitment to formal ministry occupying a portion of our schedule. It acknowledges that our lives belong to the King."
-- From "Instruments In The Redeemer's Hands - People Who Need to Change Helping People Who Need to Change" by Paul David Tripp
Hi Julie, Loved the picture and the quote-so thought provoking and so true. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you as you seek to be an ambassador.
Hugs, Noreen
Blessings to you as well, Noreen - thanks for yet another one of your encouraging comments.
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