Saturday, September 6, 2008

Like That Bee

In the evenings at the cabin, Marty and I rode our bikes to a spot and stopped to watch for the family of bears that came out to play each night across the creek. As we sat on the bank of the creek quietly waiting, I noticed a bee gently and carefully going about his bee business admist a grouping of yellow wildflowers in front of us. This calm and quiet fellow was seemingly unworried and uninterested in the fact that he was surrounded by hundreds of such flowers. He could have been thinking, "How much work I have! I'll never get it all done. I'm so overwhelmed - how can I possibly be making any difference amongst all these flowers? What to do? What to do?" And yet - I saw no bit of nervousness or anxiety about him. He simply and diligently did his work - moving amidst each petal of each flower.

A little later my quiet friend flew off to a near-by plant - buzzing around it, looking very confused and fussed-up. After a few moments, he zoomed back to the original plant on which he was working, calming down to do what was laid before him.

How like that bee I need to be! Calmly and diligently going about the work in front of me instead of flitting here and there, concerned with what I'm not doing, worried that I'm missing something, preoccupied with something God never intended me to do.

O God, help me to rest in You, to trust in You, to simply do what you lay before my face to do in obedience and faithfulness - not flying away in my mind, heart and body to places out of my path.


Sharon said...

Thanks for this thought. Just yesterday, I was concerned that I had too many chores and errands for the weekend - and have Sunday dinner guests planned -- so how is it all to be done?

I am now at the age and stage, when a Friday evening is not going to see the results I want...but Saturday morning and throughout this wonderful day - many things can be accomplished just by taking them one at a time (just like the bee). And while I was doing those chores, my brain was planning out a simple menu that will be tasty but not time consuming (too many chores, errands and cooking do not mix well)

The other part of my Friday mix of concern is the fear of anything else being put on my plate with all the rest - far be it from me to accept the Lord's spontaneity. Again, after a good night's sleep and much accomplished, I am even ready for a drop-in visitor or two.

I'm glad you had the opportunity to spend time at a cabin and hope your spirit is refreshed and restored. Blessings,

Hill upon Hill said...

Oh yes, and the guidance to do so.