(Photo by Eli)
"Each morning that you are privileged to awaken, no matter how ordinary your life, expect your mind to be wooed - by the beauty of nature, the voice of a friend, the words of a poet, the moving of God's Spirit. Expect it to be wooed to go higher, deeper, broader.
Wake every morning sensitive to the wooing, to the still small voice calling your brain to do any of the numerous things of which it is capable. Brush your teeth while telling yourself that you'll gain more understanding during the coming day, that you'll end the day with greater depth and breadth than when you started. Drink your coffee with gratitude that mental dullness and boredom are the exception rather than the rule for a mind in love with God. Expect that your attitude of expectancy will not go disappointed . . .
Imagine what God could do with the events of your life - whether extraordinary or ordinary - if you meet such ideas not only with an open heart toward God but with a willing and expectant mind."
-- From "Just Think - Nourish Your Mind to Feed Your Soul" by Nancy J. Nordenson
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