Thursday, May 29, 2008

Computer Science Pure and Simple

When my boys were in their early elementary years, my goal for their education was to introduce them to a broad view of lots of different topics and subjects. As they've entered later elementary and early Jr. High, their gifts, abilities, and interests have really blossomed. As my oldest son, Ben, now enters his Sr. High years, my goal is to make his education specific as to his bents, abilities, etc. One of his definite abilities and interests is computer science. At our recent homeschool convention, I purchased the curriculum called Computer Science Pure and Simple for him. We were introduced to this computer science course through a magalog (magazine/catalog) put out by a homeschooling family business called Schoolhouse Publishing. The course includes Book 1 (labeled Grade 5 and up), Book 2 (7th and up) and the Microworlds 2.0 Disk. Schoolhouse Publishing sold it as a discounted set, but you could purchase it individually. Though it is not cheap, it is an excellent resource for a young person interested in this field. We were encouraged by Schoolhouse Publishing to have Ben go through the first book though he was mostly beyond it - it sets up some foundation for the later book. I bought this curriculum three weeks ago, and Ben has already blown through the entire first book and all the applications! He is really enjoying it and has learned much from this computer science course written for homeschoolers. For more specific and detailed information on this helpful resource, visit

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